A vessel untapped
A glass unpoured
Unchartered territory,
Marked by a longing with deep roots
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To be more
I long to create. Create what exactly? That’s where it’s easy for me to get caught up in the mumble jumble, the sorting out of details is what keeps me from beginning. It’s like going to speak with intent but then uncertainty comes knocking and twists your tongue. When this happens, I have to pause to ask myself what are you afraid of? Start. And be sure you will start again… and again. Everything is flowing anyway, isn’t it? What you are meant to attract, you will. And, rest assured, that what is not for you will flow onto your path and then continue on its merry way.
The energy of the “in between” is so. It looks and feels different for each of us. It is the stagnant energy accumulated from all of your I want to do this, but I don’t know where to start. Or your, if I start, I’m not sure that’s the best possible way to go about it self-talk. It’s the thoughts surrounding your how and why, that can trip you up. As the thoughts accumulate they hold no weight if they are not brought to fruition with some type of action in the physical realm. Thought energy only becomes powerful in manifestation.
I’m sure that at one point you have dwelled in the energy of the in between, succumbed by thoughts (and perhaps worries) about just starting. Whether a new venture, a new relationship, a new routine; the most difficult part is the start.
So what do we do with the in between energy? Just start. Start with where you are and with what you have. When you just start, you send a signal to the universe that you mean business, and only then can the universe show up for you in ways you couldn’t have potentially “thought up” in the first place. Energy applied is action. Energy not applied can show up in the form of anxiety and projected fears. You’re on the cusp of your next big step. Which will you choose? When we stop searching externally for the perfect opportunities to be in place in order to start (which, lightbulb moment- don’t exist), and instead fully tap into ourselves with a spirit of gratitude- things will unfold with a spirit of intentionality.
What are you manifesting these days? Thoughts of fear or thoughts of possibility? In every fleeting moment, there are always two choices. Inhale, exhale, and then begin. The energy of the in between is yours to unravel.
A glass unpoured
Unchartered territory,
Marked by a longing with deep roots
To read more
To see more
To be more
I long to create. Create what exactly? That’s where it’s easy for me to get caught up in the mumble jumble, the sorting out of details is what keeps me from beginning. It’s like going to speak with intent but then uncertainty comes knocking and twists your tongue. When this happens, I have to pause to ask myself what are you afraid of? Start. And be sure you will start again… and again. Everything is flowing anyway, isn’t it? What you are meant to attract, you will. And, rest assured, that what is not for you will flow onto your path and then continue on its merry way.
The energy of the “in between” is so. It looks and feels different for each of us. It is the stagnant energy accumulated from all of your I want to do this, but I don’t know where to start. Or your, if I start, I’m not sure that’s the best possible way to go about it self-talk. It’s the thoughts surrounding your how and why, that can trip you up. As the thoughts accumulate they hold no weight if they are not brought to fruition with some type of action in the physical realm. Thought energy only becomes powerful in manifestation.
I’m sure that at one point you have dwelled in the energy of the in between, succumbed by thoughts (and perhaps worries) about just starting. Whether a new venture, a new relationship, a new routine; the most difficult part is the start.
So what do we do with the in between energy? Just start. Start with where you are and with what you have. When you just start, you send a signal to the universe that you mean business, and only then can the universe show up for you in ways you couldn’t have potentially “thought up” in the first place. Energy applied is action. Energy not applied can show up in the form of anxiety and projected fears. You’re on the cusp of your next big step. Which will you choose? When we stop searching externally for the perfect opportunities to be in place in order to start (which, lightbulb moment- don’t exist), and instead fully tap into ourselves with a spirit of gratitude- things will unfold with a spirit of intentionality.
What are you manifesting these days? Thoughts of fear or thoughts of possibility? In every fleeting moment, there are always two choices. Inhale, exhale, and then begin. The energy of the in between is yours to unravel.